Kimber Leigh Reads

I read and review mostly YA and New Adult any genre within. My favorite's usually have a good romance element.

Review: The Memory Witch by Heather Topham Wood

The Memory Witch - Heather Topham Wood

 I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

The Memory Witch has a beautiful cover. That along with the premise drew me in. I love books about witches, find spellcasting fascinating. It was intriguing to see the sacrifices or offerings people had to use to make a spell work. Magic can't be worked without cost, and sometimes that cost is dear. Quinn learns this little fact first hand the summer after she graduates from high school.

Quinn is an interesting character. She tried to be happy in life, but something always felt off. To find out her mother had her memories erased in return to her spending a year serving a witch, it would be beyond difficult. While a strong girl, she carried an air of tragedy around her. Nightmares plague her sleep, images she doesn't begin to understand. All she wants is to have her memories restored so she can move forward with life.

I enjoyed the interactions with the old witch, Stella, and Quinn. Following Quinn on her journey to learn witchcraft was interesting. Stella's nephew, Mason, also presents as a rather tragic figure. The hot and cold relationship between Quinn and Mason is enough to give the reader whiplash. Quinn doesn't approve of the way Stella uses witchcraft, crafting spells and potions for people in need (mostly self-absorbed need). I really hope she somehow manages to hold onto this notion in the next book because she's really going to need it.

The plot moves quickly, especially with Quinn's mysterious memories drawing the reader forward. I can't say I was surprised once the big secret is revealed. Frankly, I hated Quinn's mother from the beginning. After the secret is revealed I despised her. Though, I can' t imagine being in her position, she did Quinn a major disservice with the spell. While I enjoyed the story and characters, I noticed there were more errors than I'm used to seeing in a published book. Enough to draw me from the story, since they tended to occur in the dialogue. I will say that since my copy came from the author, perhaps they've been fixed in the meantime.

I am intrigued to find out how Quinn moves forward with her life after the big reveal. If you like YA paranormal stories about witches, consider adding The Memory Witch to your TBR list. It's book one, so don't expect an ending. We'll have to wait for the next book for Quinn to continue her journey.
